MonstaPro’s Submissions Rules

Hello. Thank you for expressing an interest.

We are always very happy to recieve stories and reviews.

If you think you’ve got something that we might be interested in then please send it in.

If any of the submission rules below aren’t clear please get in touch. Email address below or feel free to leave a comment.

Please consider, in all respects, that this page contains the most up-to-date representation of our rules for submitting content for inclusion to our site (the most up-to-date version of the site is at the base URL of this page). In all future representations of the same rules, that future document will state whether it supersedes this document.

  1. Short stories or reviews should be between 1000 and 3000 words long. This isn’t an absolute rule. We will consider shorter or longer pieces but we are more likely to decide to feature your work if you stay within this range.
  2. We want to avoid being prescriptive about style. We are actively trying to feature a wider variety of styles.
  3. We expect your work to be well written but you are obviously fairly serious about your writing or you wouldn’t be using a site like this. Hopefully you can see that our criteria aren’t complicated. Basically we are simply looking for stories or reviews that will entertain our readers.
  4. Reviews of books and films are welcome.
  5. In terms of short stories original ideas are always more welcome than rehashes of tired ideas.
  6. If you are sending us a horror story we want to see a bit of subtlety. Pure gore fests always seem slightly lazy.
  7. In equal measure we expect adult-themes (such as coarse language) to be used only in context; we’re tryin’ to appeal to kids as well as parents “mm-kay”?…
  8. The copyright and all subsequent publication rights of all content used on, in or at our “base URL” not written by us is retained by its author (see footnote 1).
  9. You will find out as soon as possible once we’ve read the content whether we will use it on the site.
  10. While do try to reply promptly to everyone who has sent in content, sometimes this takes us a while, so please be patient.
  11. We don’t mind simultaneous submissions but please let us know if your submission has been published elsewhere (see footnote 2).
  12. Please don’t send more than three submissions at a time (read: “multiple”). If our backlog gets too big we find it hard to respond to you within a reasonable time span, and then we feel bad (see footnote 3).
  13. All submissions are required to be in one of a choice of file-formats, although no particular one is preferred over the others. These include .TXT, .HTML, .HTM, .ODT, .DOC and .WRI. However, simply pasting your content into an e-mail is also acceptable, but the listed types are very much preferred.
  14. These rules are provided as a nominal reference, however lack of following them will likely delay us responding to your submission.
  15. These rules can change at any time without notice, and it is your responsibility to check you are happy with them before submitting content.
  16. Finally, anything you don’t understand or are otherwise unclear about, please ask! Our address is near the bottom of this document.


  1. This includes any & all redistribution rights. Our official stance is “your story is here with your expressed permission and will be removed only at your expressed direction”. We feel we can’t say fairer than that.
  2. This is particularly important as we really really don’t want to be chased by angry publishers; we will get angry & our wrath will be felt. If in doubt do do do ask them or us, one of us will probably help
  3. Admittedly this is mostly for your benefit rather than ours.

Following all of that means you must be at least vaguely interested, thanks! We understand there are more established sites and sites with much bigger user-bases out there doing what we do, & it’s very much appreciated you’ve chosen us!

Sending us your content

As also mentioned, we are in reception of muchas junk e-mail, and occasionally Real Life also gets in the way (yes, we do have lives). As a result getting back to you, even to say whether we’re using your content, can take a while (see Rule 9). Don’t be shy of using the Interweb-thing to contact us though.

We want to bring to you dedicated fans the opportunity to send us more content in the future (the other tense!). For this purpose, please get in touch with us at the following address: “staff at monstapro dot co dot uk”. I’ve specially formatted this address so it doesn’t get full of spam and the like, much like our last one! Where relevant, please update your addressbooks.

For all current future references and Submissions, please use this (the above) address; replacing the “at” & the “dot” words with the relevant punctuation symbols into your e-mail thinger, with the title of your submission in the subject line.

Failing that, we are also on Facebook and Twitter.

However: if you have sent us some content already, please don’t think that re-sending it will get it onto the site quicker. Sadly, this just isn’t the case. You are only creating more work for us, that I’m sure you can appreciate we have a lot of already (see Rule 11)! Please be patient; in the case of some content “appearing” in our backlog that has been sat there for [ahem] some time: in most cases we will be in touch to check you’re still happy for us to publish it. If it’s “down to the wire” regarding a deadline of yours: again, please get in touch.

As mentioned, the address has changed, please use that one to keep in touch. Subscribing will also make sure you get told when your stuff is up there! See, aren’t the benefits of our move (to WordPress) showing through already?!…

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